Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Life is what happens when you are making other plans...

Much has happened in the past few days and I would like to ruminate and ponder. First, I got a speeding ticket. There was no way I could avoid it...yellow Mustang, sliding down an overpass hill and around the curve...the hemorrhoid with the Polaroid! The car next to me didn't get pulled, only the guy in the shiny yellow Mustang did...I have resigned myself that I will not lt it bother me... it is what it is. Life goes on.

As a bright spot, I received the news my oldest daughter was coming home. THAT is great that she moved away, I realize how much I love her and miss her. But, then my son needs to move from one city to another....and he has no car, or at least a decent car to do ti. So, I have to depend on my logistical mind and schedule a complex series of events to make it happen. I rent a small car, tow the "new" old car I have for him, to do I just drive it up to him? My mechanic, Chino, says it's all right to drive. I trust him. He knows the immense potential for failure there is taking a used car across the state. My wife, God Bless her, is willing (as always) to help. So, I rent a U-Haul truck from where my son is to my home city, so that I can bring that sorry excuse he has for a car home. The night before I can't sleep well, because of excitement and worry. Halfway in the state is his destination, to start graduate school.

My wife and I pick up a rental car, and we drive off. About halfway to my son's new apartment, I decide to ask him if he has been in contact with his new landlord. He informs me that his apartment has been given away because he forgot to call them to confirm he was coming. I do not panic - I refuse to panic. My mind starts to think of all the alternatives. His new apartment will not be ready until Saturday, and today is Wednesday! Well, I tell him, ask them if they can keep your things somewhere until Saturday. Nope, he replies. Then I tell him - start looking for a nearby storage place. I decide not to tell that crazy woman following me because if I do, she might crash into someone....She's a worrier, I mean, that's what mothers do, for God's Sake! He finds a storage place near his new apartment. At least, he owns up that it was his fault....not bad for a boy grown into a man.

The "new" car makes it beautifully. When we get to his apartment complex, I decide to tell my wife. She takes it very well, thank you ( I greatly overestimated her) and I quickly tell her my plan B. Had it been me the culprit, I never would had heard the rest of it. But this is her baby boy, and he can do no wrong. We drop it off at his new apartment, get his parking sticker and off we go to get him and his belongings. My wife (isn't she beautiful?) drives all the way from where we are to my son's place, while I collapse in the passenger seat, asleep. We get the truck and it was night time - no time to pack it up. So, we rest. My son buys skirt steak and we prepare to a delicious meal of churrasco, with pigeon peas and rice. Between the full tummy and the tired body, I collapsed and fall asleep.

In the morning, I am ready to go. I forgo coffee (It helps me stay awake) because I can feel the rush of adrenaline. We pack the truck, pick the car carrier, and load up his lowsy Honda. We take off back to his new apartment, 280 miles away. We get there, he gets the storage, and we unpack his belongings into the storage shed. I had come prepared - I bought him a lock, and some rope. He asks how much did I spend, I tell him none of his business. Come on, you screw up my plans and you want to snide me about my spending? I think I have the right to buy and psend whatever I want at this point. It's for him, not me. I feel sorry for him, because when he moves his stuff he has to do it alone. At least he doesn't have much - he is like a bohemian, and for some reason I feel sorry for his girlfriend, who's a saint. It is she who has to put up with him - I wish her luck!

Well, just as I prepare to leave, his mother call me hysterical, because the "new" car has developed an engine noise. She accuses me of maybe not checking the car properly (Iworked on this car for two days prior to this trip), or of ignoring the chirring noise the engine makes. I deduced it is loos valves, and there is a magical lubricant (you should use it often in your oil) called Lucas oil conditioner that is pretty good. So off I go, leaving my wife, my son, the truck and the "old" car in rear, looking forn auto parts store. Luckily there is one nearby. I purchased one bottle ands raced back, add 1/2 of the bottle and instruct him to use it during oil changes as an additive. The noise disappears - we are delighted! You won't believe all of the bad thoughts running through my mind if this car craps out now! I was determined to stay in town until the morning to take it to garage for a check up.

So off he goes, and I instruct him to call me. Of course, I don't trust him to return my call anymore than I trust a snake in not biting me. So, I call his grilfriend (his return to her is a surprise for her upcoming birthday) and instruct her to have him call me when he arrives safely - well, he might be a man to you, but to me he is still that crazy son I used to know!

We then take off for home, my wife and I. She is following me. We make it home, four hours later, unharmed, and so does he. I sigh relief. You see, halfway on the trip he informs me he does not have his cell phone (remember I told you he was a crazy son), so I tell him NOT to tell his mother (yikes!) She eventually finds out, and of course does what every mother does - worry. She poo poos her and even makes a joke about it - I cringe and close my eyes - I thought I saww the lady's hand s beat him to a pulp right there in front of me. She does not, she stays quiet, which can mean something very good, or something very bad...I don't want to think!

Well in conclusion, we make it and so does he. What am I telling you this story? Look at the title of this particular blog. It tells you everything you need to know. We take so many things for granted - yet we somehow manage to make it. Call it karma, or God's Will, or Destiny. If you have ever taken Statistics, you learn about chances and outcomes - and we take so many chances! Anything deviates one nanosecond, or a millimeter and it changes the outcome, however small the change, but a change nonetheless. So the next time you look at a specific event, think not that it will be O.K., it could chnage, and if it does, you must adjust your sail, just like a sailor does his....

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