Thursday, September 3, 2009

I was perusing old photographs tonight.... I was amazed at how much memory can be evoked from a picture. Your mind gets flooded with feelings, and sounds, and smells - just from looking at picture. For example, looking at one picture of my daughter I can distinctly remmeber a dozen occasions where I thought to myself: " I am such a lucky guy!" It's amazing how the brain can remember - and recall - everything about that one point in your life. Now that my children are adults, and only one remains, I get feelings of bittersweet memory whenever I look at their baby pics. It's the one connection with the past that is instant. Herein is what I am trying to say: it is so important to know as much as you can about your past, because it drives the future. The more you know about yourself, the more confident you feel about who you are and the possibilities of becoming a great person are easier. Life does not forget to teach - so I advise you to pay attention. Even in loss, there is a lesson to be learned.

Having had a great childhood despite much suffering, I came to appreciate the good life has to offer. As I look at the picture of my hometown, happy (and bad) memories come afloat, as if they had happened yesterday. Reminiscing about the past has kept my journey in a straight path. I have learned to respect the power of wisdom, and to use it wisely. I have learned to instill good values and morals to build character in my family. I have never forgotten where I came from, and however humble, it gives praise to my accomplishments. And that is what life is about: to love your fellow man, to do no harm, and to continue my journey , to trust the wind in my sails, wherever it might lead me.

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